hmmmm - is that enough
Last yr this time - the same
Perhaps next year - we can
Set aside a day - touch base
See where it all went wrong
Redline it - yes - we would say
Here, in this line I read this
But what you meant was that
Damm the this and that - instead
I think I’ll learn to play the flute
Or the piano - I keep thinking to
Why not now? I have little more
Than time - I plan to sleep & play
Take a trip or two - then sleep again
Teach a bit to the boy - a lot to the girl
She’ll be going soon - even if only by
Age - she won’t be a girl - it is good
Then perhaps when she’s gone and the boy
Learns a bit more - I’ll play the flute - reach out
And learn the piano
How‘bout it
- is that enough