Tuesday, May 14, 2024


the error simple - easily fixed
If that is what was needed - it 

Is not - it is deeper - a splinter 
An encumbrance so large - we 

Can only smile and slide by - it’s trust 

The elusive choking of reality 
I can’t trust you - too many slips

You won’t trust me - too many 
Doppelgängers - I don’t even 

Know who I am supposed to be 

How or what to be 

Didn’t you like me at first - then 
Not so much then a bit more then 

A bit less - so many me(s) like cats 

At night trying to find just the right
Spot - curled up on your chest 

It would be so easy a fix 

If you could be fixed and I could stay fixed 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


The exercise of intellect perhaps better is an exercise
One where I learn space - a cat knows and I have a few 
Stretches - a sleeping pattern. A draft perhaps of existence 

I want time both to stop and go at the speed of light 

To end and endure the pattern of of my life 

It’s nice 

It’s quiet 

Then it’s horror - how did life ever go so wrong 

15 years 

And counting 

Moments of extreme 

Amazement - purpose - drops of love 

There’s no intellect 

In knowing time 

Is not a friend 

Monday, April 22, 2024


hmmmm - is that enough
Last yr this time - the same 
Perhaps next year - we can 
Set aside a day - touch base 

See where it all went wrong 
Redline it - yes - we would say 
Here, in this line I read this 
But what you meant was that 

Damm the this and that - instead 
I think I’ll learn to play the flute 
Or the piano - I keep thinking to 
Why not now? I have little more 

Than time - I plan to sleep & play 
Take a trip or two - then sleep again 
Teach a bit to the boy - a lot to the girl 
She’ll be going soon - even if only by 

Age - she won’t be a girl - it is good

Then perhaps when she’s gone and the boy 
Learns a bit more - I’ll play the flute - reach out 
And learn the piano 

How‘bout it 
                  -  is that enough 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


so i will end this night with a thought of you - 

a west wind 

how - at night you sleep with (is it?) eight dogs or just one? 

and no cats? i have all the cats -

they have gathered around me 

a circle of protection - perhaps. 

the smallest one 

the black one 

the one you 

left by my 


the other orange 

above the white fluff 

each asleep 

as i sit 

deep in thought 

about wishes and djinn 

a story really - streaming 

what would my third wish be 

could i be as strong as i wish i was

                                  -  what is it that we wish 


steal them all - 
they are not yours 

they are words created by me. 

etched by me, dribbled out by me 

steal them all - i'll make more 

if you ever stop and think 

then create - no more 

taking what is not yours 

like a man who sleeps with another who is not his 
like a woman who sleeps with another who is not hers 

we each have been with 

words and without - we each 

have stolen what is not ours 

so no more stealing. sit in your silence and write 

the words will come - the scent 
will reach you and from each finger 
letters will flow - a simple task 

found in silence 


to be an artist 
demands a liberation 
few can ever master 

a freedom of the transmission 
that destroy the djinn 

that grants three wishes 
i wonder what my third 

would be? my first is simple - it is to my children 
to live in this world as part of this world - no fears, no hate, all love 
riches to help the world and keep them safe, alive 
to the beauty of art - accepted and in peace 

a long wish indeed but with a djinn 
                                                     - a wish must either be simple 
or skilled in the telling - that is a simple 
wish made in love 

the second - now that is a hard one because for those who we love 
we can only wish love and a mother has little choice but to love 

so the second must be thought out - a rich and generous lover? perhaps 
- riches? how much? endless margaritas at the beach and a well charged phone? is 
that enough? cats?? enough for a musical perhaps - with a speaking part? 

the second would deal with existence - perhaps knowledge 
so i can understand equations and math and physics - all in all to improve 
my poetry. perhaps it will be my poetry - to be a grand old poet 

but if i wish it then is it real? is it art? if i wish it - still my second 
wish would deal with existence, a livelihood to ease the third part 
of my life. 

and so for the third? what would my third wish reach for - it can't be 
never ending existence - that is part of the rules - and all in all who 
would ever want such frivolousness - to see those you love pass away 

countless and countless of deaths. it would make good poetry but a bad 
life - the third wish is the hardest - perhaps that is why cats only have 9 
lives - a tenth would be too much 

Tuesday, April 09, 2024


A Macintosh in Hong Kong
Could it possible be you? Another 
College perhaps? Another cultural 
Absorption? Part of me thinks you 
Dead - awaiting me across the bridge 
Sweater in hand - I hear it is cold 
There even though the sun shines 
Is the lemonade at least tolerable ? A glass 
Will suffice - to tell the end of my 
Tale - a deep blue, a sky blue, hazel 
The color of wings on a bird - lost 
In the abyss - see perhaps only half 
A glass is needed - then you can tell 
Me yours - and show me the color of 
The new couch