and who ordered toast - yes the problem
with the world is who: who ordered toast
& who did not: where does it go if no one
did and where does it go if some one did
- and why do people take shopping carts
& why do i want one so bad: i had one once
i placed it in the back of my hybrid - i texted
everyone except you: and each told me to
take it back, return it - do what is right
part of me wishes i had texted you cuz
i believe i know your response: "bring it
home. we will figure something out to
do with it." we could have given the dogs
a ride, packed in all six cats, used it for
tools and likely laundry: it was a long
haul from the garage to our house: had I
texted you that or any number of other
wild, out of the blue requests - i ponder
if you would have made a way to stay
was it my silence that let you step aside
decide a different course was best in life
my life is still the same. no better no worse
just an ebbing of a tide: an existence where
toast is the order of the day. and where the
response is always the same: do what is
right: in life isn't it all right?