Wednesday, September 08, 2021


as my natural existence comes to an end 
i am collecting memories to hold me thru 

each refrain, each blue and darkened sky 
the boxes unopened - i collect and add to 

the ones i have. i have so many. too many 
each wakes me like a cat stepping across 

a newly born branch. the cat has no care
that the branch will break. the branch has 

no thought but to survive. 

how my mind brings you each night and 
packs you away. first front and center 

then every misdeed, folded and placed 
every love, every hug, every kiss tossed 

the tears don't come as fast or as much 
as each box is slid across -  hid behind 

the mundane of existence 

in time, if there is time, i will one day 
unpack all the misdeeds, let them gather 

rust then toss them away. and i'll pull 
out the laughs, the quiet nights on your 

shoulders: i'll sleep and exit my existence