Tuesday, May 18, 2021


you'll be a tree and i a bird - what is the word for bird 
i'll peck at your bark till you awaken - baum 
at first you'll be small unable to stand my stance - a sapling 

and i'll fly off 

years will go by and i'll return with different plumage 
red one year, blue the next, a brown, perhaps black 
inside the same as when we met in human form 

i'll peck again and again at your hardened bark till you awaken 
each time i stay. nest. lay eggs, sleep until one day 
i fall to the ground and get covered by your leaves

descend into the soil 

another decade, a score perhaps pass - and i return 
live in your trunk. run through your branches that reach the very sky 
i nibble on you - you know me now - never forgotten 

each of your rings gives a clear moment of when we exist in time 
i die and merge into your very bark. i stay there for so 
long: i do not remember when you woke me but we travelled together 
first through flames then water - each mixture a movement: a transmutation 

till we find each other again